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Lake Area Technical College Students Place at National Competition

Posted on: July 2, 2013   |   Category: News

WATERTOWN, SD – Lake Area Technical College Computer Information Systems student Kris Marten, Goodwin, SD placed first in the Internetworking competition during the post-secondary SkillsUSA Championship held June 24-28 in Kansas City, MO. The first place ranking earned Marten a gold medal as well as cash and prizes from the computer industry that support SkillsUSA.

Six LATI Building Trades students also placed at the national event including Huston Heitkamp, Adrian, MN, placing third in Cabinetry; Phil Ronke, Watertown, SD, placing fourth in Carpentry, and the Team Works Competition Team placed seventh in that competition. Team members are Brandon Carpenter, Dell Rapids, SD; Branden Thyen, Waverly, SD; Brandon Foote, Watertown, SD; and Jordan Spilde, Watertown, SD.

All first place recipients at the state level advanced to the SkillsUSA National Championship in Kansas City where more than 6,000 students competed. SkillsUSA is a national organization that serves trade, industrial, technical, and health occupations students in high schools and postsecondary technical Colleges.