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Getting Started

You’ve taken the first step to getting started at Lake Area Tech by visiting our website. Thank you!  From this page, you will learn about admissions processes such as what deadlines certain programs have, what immunizations are required, and how to apply for admission to Lake Area Tech. You may also have questions about tuition or scholarships and it’s all right here. Just click on the links on this page and you’ll find a ton of answers.

If you want to chat with an admissions representative right now, just click in the Chat box in the lower right. Our reps are waiting to answer your questions!

While you’re here, we invite you to click on one of our favorite links: Schedule a Visit (in the menu to the right)! There’s no better way to find out what being a Lake Area Tech future student is all about! Our admissions representatives love to show prospective students around our beautiful campus and answer all of your questions about Lake Area Tech.

But, if you’ve already done all of your homework, click on Apply Now! Your pathway to student success begins here at Lake Area Tech!