“I’m IN” Capital Campaign Visuals

It’s truly an exciting time at Lake Area Tech! The Capital Campaign efforts will allow for state-of-the-art, workforce-focused training facilities and will amplify Lake Area Tech’s position as a national leader in technical education and workforce development. The endpoint, as conceptually visualized in the Fly Through below, showcases our ultramodern campus as it may appear upon completion of the initiatives. The next “I’m IN” campaign initiatives to take form will be the Diesel Technology expansion and the Archway/Business Center. The renderings below are conceptual.
Lake Area Tech Future Campus Fly Through
Diesel Technology Addition

The Diesel Technology addition was completed and opened for students in fall 2024. The expanded lab and classroom space accommodates for rapid growth and enables Lake Area Tech to meet the high demand workforce needs in the diesel and transportation industry.
Archway/Advanced Manufacturing Center/Dana J. Dykhouse Business Center of Learning

The Archway Complex will tie the campus together via a walkway connecting a new Advanced Manufacturing building and the new Dana J. Dykhouse Business Center of Learning that will house the Business, Financial Services and General Education programs.