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Posted on: September 8, 2011   |   Category: News

SEPTEMBER 8, 2011   WATERTOWN, SD…..  For the eighth year in a row, Lake Area Technical College has surpassed its all-time fall semester enrollment record with 1468 students enrolled this semester. Lake Area Technical College increased its enrollment by 2.6% over last fall.  The anticipated total enrollment for the 2011-2112 school year will eclipse 1650 students.  Of Lake Area Technical College’s 27 programs of study, the largest in terms of enrollment are Agriculture, Diesel Technology, Business Associate, and Practical Nursing.

Lake Area Technical College President, Deb Shephard comments, “Despite strategic downsizing in some programs due to budget restrictions, Lake Area Technical College continues to grow. It demonstrates the recognition of technical education as a smart path to an excellent career in jobs vital to South Dakota.”

 Lake Area Technical College attributes its growth to several factors: offering programs in high-demand fields, expanding online E-Degrees, developing new options within established programs, and the start of two new programs for fall of 2011 – Custom Paint/Fabrication and Entreprenuership – all of which contribute to the overall growth of the institution.

According to Shephard, “More is being asked of our graduates as jobs become more complex.  Lake Area Technical College has updated our facilities and equipment and continually updates curriculum to better prepare our graduates for the challenge.”