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Community U Classes Begin March 1

Posted on: February 22, 2016   |   Category: News

WATERTOWN, SD – Community U, a series of fun and informative classes, begins in Watertown March 1 and will feature a variety of topics offered to the public. Community U is a project of Watertown H2O-20, Lake Area Technical College, and the community of Watertown.

Classes begin Tuesday, March 1 and will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays through April 28. Each class is an introduction to a skill, hobby, or topic and will be presented by local community members at area businesses or Lake Area Technical College. The Spring 2016 Community U roster of classes includes a wide selection of topics including Estate Planning, Hot Hair Trends, Stained Glass, Succulent Gardening, Essential Oils, Beekeeping, Auctions/Auctioneering 101, Making Natural Soap, Intro to Meditation, Uptown Photo Walk, Gelli Plate Printing, Brewing Beer 101, Self-Publishing, and MakerSpace Make and Take.

Registration takes place through the Lake Area Technical College website and the registration fee for each class is $5. (Additional supplies fees apply for select classes requiring materials). For a complete description of the classes or to register, visit and click on the Community U logo.