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All-Campus Read Kicks Off at Lake Area Technical College

Posted on: February 19, 2013   |   Category: News

Watertown, SD – Hitting the books at Lake Area Technical College isn’t anything new, but beginning Tuesday, February 19, students will be hitting them a little harder – but not because it’s required. In an effort to encourage reading for fun, a new literary event, LATI All-Campus Read, has been established.

“All-Campus Read has been organized to promote literacy and enjoyment through reading,” explained LATI Librarian Nicki Yackley-Franken. “Our goal is to encourage Lake Area Technical College students and staff to read for the fun of it.

Interactive activities will complement the book selected for the group to read: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. Members will be invited to participate in activities such as online and guided discussions and speaking engagements. A creative arts contest for Lake Area Technical College students is also planned in conjunction with the book. More details regarding the events can be found on the Lake Area Technical College website or on our Facebook page here.

LATI All-Campus Read activities will continue through the end of the semester and will conclude with the announcement of the All-Campus Read creative arts winners on May 1.

Students, staff, and readers of all ages are invited to join the LATI-All Campus Read. To participate, simply pick up a copy of the book, watch for upcoming events on the website, and start reading!