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Taylor Huppler – Alumni Profile

Posted on: March 7, 2024   |   Category: Alumni Spotlight

Why did you choose to attend Lake Area Tech? It was close to home.

Where are you employed today? Self-Employed

When was the last time you visited Lake Area Tech? On graduation day.

What was your favorite thing about Lake Area Tech? The hands-on teaching.

What was the biggest lesson you learned at Lake Area Tech? Consistency produces results.

What made you want to continue your education? To earn a higher wage.

What advice would you give a current Lake Area Tech student? Don’t be scared to take risks.

What makes you proud to be an Alumni of Lake Area Tech?  When telling clients I was educated at Lake Area Tech, they know my education was solid and they can trust my expertise.

What advice can you give to Lake Area Tech students that will be entering the workforce? Be honest in your interviews and check your phone at the door.