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Lake Area Technical College Student Appointed to National AOTA Assembly

Posted on: December 9, 2014   |   Category: News

WATERTOWN, SD – A student from Lake Area Technical College in Watertown is the first South Dakota student to be appointed to a national American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) position. Melodi Boke, a first-year Occupational Therapy Assistant student from Faulkton, SD, is the new AOTA Assembly of Student Delegates OTA Vice Chairman for 2015-16.

Melodi’s responsibilities will include attending the Association of Student Delegates’ national meeting in Nashville, TN; informing the Steering Committee of associate-level student concerns; meeting with the AOTA Board of Directors on student input to pursue policy changes; coordinating and developing ASD marketing materials for the ASD Annual Meeting; and assisting the chairperson in carrying out other duties as requested.

As the OTA Student Delegates Vice Chairman, Melodi said she is excited to represent OTA students across the nation. “In my new position, I’ll assist in raising awareness of the role of the occupational therapy assistant and also help voice the wishes of OTA programs across the nation.”

Lake Area Technical College OTA Program Supervisor Julie Kalahar said on behalf of the Lake Area Technical College OTA program, students and staff are thrilled to learn of Melodi’s accomplishment.

“We are excited to have Lake Area Technical College’s OTA program represented by such a motivated and intelligent individual at the national level,” she said.  “Melodi’s leadership and willingness to serve is an example to all students that they can make a difference in a profession. She will be a highly sought after OTA when she has completed her education and this amazing opportunity.”